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Avoiding Exercise Burnout

I was once told, “Beware the fervor of the newly converted”. . What does that mean? Sometimes when a person finds a new activity to add to their lives, like exercise, they can go overboard and truly overdo it. There is too much of a good thing – as in all cases. When...

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Blood Sugar Superfoods!

If you or someone you know is affected by diabetes, you may be familiar with the term blood sugar. Blood sugar refers to the concentration of glucose found in your blood. It is important to maintain a healthy blood sugar in order to stay alert, focused, and healthy...

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Which Diet Is Best?

Most of us have tried to diet in one way or another at some point in our lives. Whether it's counting calories, changing the foods we eat, or cutting down portion sizes, dieting is often an effective way to lose weight when combined with exercise. While some people...

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Fast Food Facts

We all know that fast food isn’t the best option for those who are trying to lose weight, but does that mean we should cut it out of our diet entirely? Not necessarily. Fast food items such as cheeseburgers and french fries are delicious, but they’re also loaded with...

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Hydration and Exercise

Hydration is one of the many important things to attend to with exercise. But how much is the right amount? How often? Should it have electrolytes? Where does alkaline water fit in? Where do we start? Many have heard things like “drink 8 glasses of water a day”. This...

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Mask or No Mask, That is The Question

After spending more than a year wearing masks and social distancing, many Americans are eager to get back to their pre-pandemic “normal”. For some people, that may mean going back to sold-out concerts and sporting events, and for others, it simply means getting out of...

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Exercise and Metabolism

While many people have heard that exercise and a healthy diet work best together, they may not fully understand why. It's mostly about your metabolism – the amount of energy you burn at rest. Your diet, what you eat regularly, is one of the main pillars of healthy...

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Aerobic and Endurance Training

What is it? Endurance training is any activity that gets your heart rate up above about 60% of your maximum heart rate for 10+ min. It is a major key to heart and lung health. Endurance training makes the heart work harder to push the blood through the body more...

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Balance and Movement

Balance There are really 4 main pillars to exercise and movement for Wellbeing. Strength, Endurance, Balance and Flexibility. Let’s start with balance. It is after all what keeps us from falling – our constant fight against gravity. Statistics and Data According to...

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Rest and Recovery

Rest and Recovery Recovery, as a part of exercise, is not a new idea but has been getting more attention in the past few years. Rest and recovery mean different things to different people , and I will try to define it better for you here. Rest is truly taking time...

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